One of my first assignments with our teacher Erik Schmidt.
AAand our weightshift assignment, Enjoy
mandag den 7. april 2014
My Reel is live! Awesome cowboy theme.
søndag den 6. april 2014
This is one of the animation test i did on our commercial project, we had 4 weeks and i was animation lead with Christoffer Kramme as director, overall it was a good experience.
AAaand as a bonus my final 1st year exam..
tirsdag den 1. april 2014
Aaaaaand Der Vogel, an animated short some of us did during 2nd semester, a lot of fun and some cool designs.
The Shots i animated for our Commercial Project, it was an interesting experience working with a client for the first time. And it was nice to get into 2D again Plus... Pirates!
Not much to say, great fun to paint and Pirates are awesome.